Cyber Security Services in Dubai, UAE | Cyber Defense Center UAE | insystask
Cyber Security Solutions

Cyber Security Services

Benefit from Managed Security Services along with Remote Managed SIEM Services.
UAE's Best Cyber Security Services

Cyber Security Solutions

Managed approach to monitor and analyze threats

The cyber security threat landscape continues to challenge organizations. Protecting their data and defending data breaches is a full-time job. Combine this with shrinking capital budgets and a lack of qualified technical resources, the problems are insurmountable.

To combat these issues, insystask has launched a Cyber Defense Centre (CDC)/ Security Operations Center (SOC) based in Dubai, UAE.

Our CDC offers a portfolio of Managed Security Services along with Remote Managed SIEM Services. This can be delivered either within insystask’s Data Centre, on premise at the Customers site or on the Cloud.

The CDC assists customers in the complete security lifecycle. Also, the unique OPEX model allows customers to eliminate the need for lengthy evaluation and procurement cycles and enjoy ongoing monthly payment plans.

Cyber Security Solutions


CDC – Key Features

  • Enhanced Security Intelligence (120+ threat intelligence feeds)
  • Custom Business and Technical Use Case Development
  • Industry Vertical Intelligence
  • Regional and Global Threat Awareness

  • Low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • Guaranteed Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
  • 24/7 Monitoring and Support
  • Customised Dashboards

Customizable Cyber Security solutions: IT security, SOC services & Remote Managed SIEM services

Real Time log collection and Analysis (RTTM)

Remote Managed SIEM (RMSS)

Incident Management & Response

Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)

Vulnerability Management & Penetration Testing

End point Security Management

DDoS Protection

Web Application Firewall Protection (WAF)

Identity and Access Management (IdAM)

Many more

Managed Hosting

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