Customer Reviews

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Customer names are kept confidential and can be provided upon request

“The big reason why I went with insystask was there was a person I could speak to. There was literally somebody whose mobile number I had, that I could call if I had an issue. With the mobile operators, it’s this faceless wall — an 800 number that you call, and then you speak to somebody that you’ve never spoken to before, who doesn’t know what’s going on, who doesn’t know your solution, who doesn’t know what you’re about. It was just impersonal.
Now, all of a sudden, you don’t have to worry about it. There’s somebody else that’s always there, so if something happens to the server, they are there. I don’t have to drive from somewhere or send somebody to take care of it. It means we can concentrate on the business.”

Regional Manager, Fleet Management Company

“We needed to ensure that a number of key business requirements were met when working on a hosted model with insystask including e-services with transaction logs and records that remained fully auditable, an internal process that was streamlined to reduce operational overhead costs, a platform that was in line with the UAE’s transformation vision, and a system that could be easily accessed by even the less savvy IT end-users.

We are extremely pleased with the design, implementation, and the ongoing management of the overall solution. insystask completely understands our requirements to access sensitive data with a framework having the highest levels of security. Thanks to a trusted local service provider, insystask’s 24-hour service desk can ensure our queries are resolved quickly and to our level of satisfaction.”

Executive Director, Government Company

“We are committed to providing our customer with excellent, efficient, and comprehensive total transportation solutions. Accordingly, we strive to partner with the best IT solution providers in the region and insystask was the natural choice,

We were impressed with insystask’s comprehensive services, hosting capabilities, high security, and their attention to customer service. We are confident that they are the ideal partners to work with to service our customers better. ”

Chief Technology Architect, Logistics & Transportation Solutions Company

“Our partnership with insystask ensures European enterprises seeking to expand into the region can be assured of excellent network, hosting and business continuity facilities. ”

Executive Chairman, Telecommunications Company

“We are pleased to be partnering with insystask which has the capability and reputation in delivering innovative business continuity solutions geared to the unique needs of the region. ”

EVP – Corporate Planning, IT Services Provider

“We have built a partnership with insystask where our professionals work alongside insystask to rollout and deliver new and innovative eServices for Government Departments. insystask continues to play an active and critical role in overseeing all operational aspects of our production environment ensuring its availability, reliability, and security. Hosting with insystask has enabled us to focus on the core strategic IT plans and count on an extended team that is constantly looking after the production environment. ”

Acting IT Manager, Government Company

“Through our joint venture with insystask and Arab Internet Standards Organisation, we look forward to participating in the creation of a vibrant Arab e-business sector in the region. ”

Executive Director, Freezone

“We are pleased to be working in partnership with insystask; they understand the security challenges faced by banking institutions and have the capability to tailor-make solutions to meet our various needs and requirements. ”

IT Manager, Banking & Finance Company

“We are pleased to have insystask – the leading regional provider – as our partners. We are confident of their service standards, expertise, and ongoing commitment to their clients. ”

IT Director, Government Company

“We selected insystask because of its high-quality operations, dedication to international standards and the skills, experience and knowledge of their engineers. We are pleased with their delivery and look forward to working on other challenging projects in the future. ”

Director of eServices, Government Company

“Companies can now deploy their staff to focus on strategic technology initiatives and align their IT competencies with critical business objectives, leaving the administrative tasks to insystask, resulting in a significant reduction in costs and increase in service quality,

Furthermore, insystask’s flexibility gives our vast network of customers across the MENA region the option to choose different levels of monitoring and management based on their specific business needs. This partnership is designed to help customers resolve problems that have already occurred, and also plan ahead and prevent IT challenges from occurring in the first place. Selective sourcing supports companies in improving their internal IT maturity and service capabilities.”

Managing Director, Computer, Software & Hardware Distribution Company

“Due to the growing sophistication of the ICT sector in MENA and the internationalization of communication services, the demand for data center consulting services has grown as well. As a result, we have entered into a strategic partnership with insystask, to support their operations in MENA and to extend their reach into Europe. ”

Executive Director and Founder, Consulting Company

“Our company invests in technology that allows it to continue building on its innovation leadership in the region. We chose insystask as a managed hosting technology partner in the region after evaluating several options and due to their technical expertise, comprehensive offering and service level agreements, which will help us achieve our key business objectives. ”

IT Director, Telecom Services Provider

“We decided to partner with insystask because of its experience in providing comprehensive IT outsourcing services to large organizations. It was imperative we chose a partner which has the know-how and necessary infrastructure and expertise to proactively manage our critical business systems on a 24×7 high availability basis. We are confident this agreement will prove beneficial to our business operations in the region.”

Managing Director, Retail Company

“Our selections were based on the background of the vendor. This included the portfolio of clients it is currently handling in our sector. It was important that the vendor had experience working with previous or current clients of a similar size and also understood the business requirements we needed. Pricing was also a factor along with the need of a local support which understood the regional nuances that outsiders may not be aware of. ”

Executive Director, Mineral Conglomerate Company

“We searched for a trusted and reliable service provider, who would ultimately take away the headache of managing its IT operations. insystask proved itself to be an ideal fit. Being the region’s leading managed hosting service provider who had the expertise, latest infrastructural technology and commitment to IT operations, insystask provided round the clock IT customer support and an impeccable Service Level Agreement to guarantee that the system would experience very low downtime, so that out business continues to run smoothly and seamlessly.”

Senior Manager, Infrastructure & Data Center – IT Department, Retail Company

“We are extremely pleased with the solution as insystask ensures the swift resolution of any connectivity issues and we are able to achieve 99.9 per cent availability of the systems, which consequently increases the uptime for all customer transactions. ”

Director and CEO, Financial Services Provider

“The implementation of the BCP seats at insystask has provided considerable savings a year. The new solution is scalable and has the capacity to further expand in another two years with the growth of regional satellite sites. As technology is added to each business line, more applications will be integrated with the present infrastructure, and since the implementation is scalable, the business growth can easily be managed. Proper planning and delivery of the solution was one of the main reasons for our association with insystask. The entire process demanded extraordinary coordination with third parties, such as telecom service providers, which was successfully handled by insystask. The implementation of the BCP seats in the same premises as the Disaster Recovery site was conducted in a seamless manner. Above all, the solution has helped us optimise our costs and has provided our company high return on investment. With choosing insystask as our Service Provider, we were assured that we would have secure and reliable hosting Site for our DR infrastructure and data, be it external customer data or internal company data. ”

Chief Technology Officer – Middle East, Leading Bank

“Disparate content has now been structured and unified to offer a single point solution. This was especially important as the objective was to reflect similar content and information in a single window to the world. Presently, the website offers complete information to users and in the next stage will extend electronic services as well.

We are extremely glad to have insystask as our strategic partners for the portal project. With the confidentiality of government data being particularly critical and the need for storing the data within the UAE, we found a trusted hosting partner in insystask. With users operating in different time zones, 24/7 availability was imperative. insystask’s reliable and redundant data centre infrastructure and service level agreements have helped achieve this objective. ”

Advisor of Information Systems, Government Company

“We were looking for a partner to co-host a solution to ensure smooth delivery of our services and insystask (insystask) was chosen to do this. insystask’s choice as a partner was made easier because of the successful existing relationship between our company and insystask, built on working on each other’s technologies around network optimization and security.

insystask brought a lot of value adds as one of the leading Managed IT service providers in the region and its services are backed by industry leading Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to ensure uninterrupted delivery and optimum performance of IT systems and applications. insystask also offered an impeccable reputation for achieving industry standards recognized across the globe by achieving industry certifications including ISO9001: 2008, ISO 20000-1: 2005 and ISO 27001: 2005.

Services were provided from their state of the art Data Centres and reliable, dedicated, redundant and high speed internet connection ensured uninterrupted internet services and high bandwidth as this was a primary need of VNOC. Security, high quality of bandwidth and 24×7 Availability are key elements for providing the VNOC services efficiently to the customer base. ”

MD, Value Added Distributors

“We are very pleased with the implementation. insystask met our unique requirements, which needed insystask to change their data center design. Our processes require high density of power and cooling, and therefore huge effort was required from insystask to make core design changes to its facility. The project outcome was exactly how we planned it to be. Planning was very detailed and the project was managed based on the Project Management framework.”

Group Director of Information Technology, Infrastructure and IT operations, Luxury Hotel

“The key reasons we chose to work with insystask was its state of the art datacenter facilities, its reputation within the market as one of the leading service providers in the region, and its strong client base.”

Senior Manager of IT operations, Events & Exhibition Centre

“insystask provided us the perfect disaster recovery solution with its high quality standards maintained at the data centre and comprehensive up-to-date protection and monitoring capabilities that assure the maximum protection of mission-critical sensitive data.

One of the many criteria for the disaster recovery site was the location, as well as the accessibility to both physical as well as network connectivity from the live site. With this implementation, we are now capable of protecting the interests of our key stakeholders, reputation, brand and value-creating activities.”

Director, Information and Communication Technology, Freezone

“As part of the selection process, we shortlisted a number of service providers, but insystask managed to take the lead. insystask showcased its qualities as the ideal managed service partner. Its technical team did an excellent job and ensured that they clearly understood our requirements. After every implementation, there was detailed testing and a comprehensive deployment plan developed, and executed for every subsidiary.”

Head of IT Infrastructure, Contracting & Real Estate Company

“We had to go through the process of finding a credible partner, making sure they were financially sound and were going to be there for us for a very long time – because you are putting the heart of your system and a replica of it in their site, so it is not something that we can do internally. We looked at all the service providers out here who can provide the data centre storage space. Some of them were in Dubai, Some in Abu Dhabi and some in other areas. But the key for us for choosing insystask was the location. It was sufficiently offsite in terms of making sure nothing would ever happen to them. At the same time there was their response to our needs and how they handled us as a customer. At the end of the day, as a service perspective this is important.”

Senior VP, Luxury Resort

“One of our primary considerations for the hosting of our trading platform was to ensure that our global community was able to access the service securely on a 24hr basis. To achieve this we sought a Managed Services Provider that was able to demonstrate their commitment to service security in respect of threats from the internet, infrastructure resilience as well as M&E resilience. By evidencing capability in these respects we are confident that our users will obtain a highly reliable service which they will be able to depend upon.”

Director, Commodities Trading & Exchange Company

“As we develop the Middle East business we have a commitment to our clients to ensure efficient business continuity. After conducting a due diligence on various providers, we selected insystask for the DR site project. They met with all our requirements, had engagements with various DIFC clients and have a good reputation within the financial sector.”

Head of Operations and IT, Financial Institution

“We also must not forget the most important element in any technology delivery success story, which is people. Therefore, the incumbent MSP we chose had to have a pool of highly qualified resources that doubled up as our outsourced IT department, which is what insystask had. insystask was also the only MSP with three production and disaster recovery data centres in the vicinity of Dubai. Both data centres were in different seismic zones. Furthermore, in an economic climate as we are in today, price was of course the ultimate deciding factor and insystask managed to meet our expectations.”

Head of Group Technology, Facilities Management Company

“In managing our infrastructure, insystask delivers on a very critical function that is core to our process management environment which supports our business. We often compare the scenario to having a second heart that ticks outside the body with insystask,”

Operations Head, Finance Company

“insystask has a clear edge on other service providers with their highly competent team and state of the art monitoring and support environment. We specifically looked at the existing infrastructure and maturity of standard operating procedures as well as controlled access mechanisms. We also looked at their existing monitoring and support procedures and whether they could support our 99.99% service availability KPI. We also preferred to have the direct interaction with the team.”

CEO, Biometric Solutions Company

“The new hosting platform will help us enhance our services to clients and allow us to offer them backup disk storage in the cloud. We chose insystask for their capability and strong presence in the UAE market. This is a new service that will enable us to provide our new and existing clients with added value and facilitate our expansion plans to markets such as Saudi Arabia.”

Head of Service Delivery, IT Solutions Provider

“We experienced a combination of these challenges during our pilot stage, and I felt satisfied not only that our systems were robust, but even our applications, software and hosting from insystask were of world class. We could offer a good performance even with peak traffic, and manage very well the hacking attacks we saw. We also did a lot of vulnerability tests by bringing in external third parties to try and hack us, and we were ranked as the most secure site.”

Managing Director, E-commerce Company

“We are very pleased to partner with insystask for this project. insystask ensures that our web site is stable and has the ability to withstand any sudden spike in web site traffic on account of any breaking news in the region. In addition, the 24/7 monitoring and management of the IT infrastructure at insystask’s data centres ensures that the web site is accessible to users at all times around the globe. A smooth and effective infrastructure support for our digital operation has opened up the possibility for us to explore further business opportunities in digital media where we foresee a major expansion.”

Senior Vice President, Publishing House

“We used to be able to cater to around six or seven employees at one time – now the maximum is in the hundreds and the improvement has been tenfold. If ever there is a time when we need to adapt the infrastructure and build on it, insystask will take care of this centrally. The hub at their data centre plays a vital role to us here.”

Group Manager (Systems & IT), Provider of Engineering Solutions

“One reason we chose insystask is they are Tier 3, which gives you 99.98% availability of the service. Availability is crucial. We are ISO 9001, 27001; insystask also is certified – so even before we signed with them we knew they were certified, that makes us more comfortable dealing with them, and it means we have the same concerns in terms of information security, processes and change management. This matters for us, and it makes life much easier.

They have a good technical team, with different skills, this makes us comfortable, also the security aspect of it, and the bandwidth, they are very flexible with us, if we require more bandwidth they deliver it on the fly. We don’t need to wait or call, it is automatic. This makes things much easier,”

Chief Operations Officer, Head of Operations Division, Stock Exchange Company

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